Over these past few months we have overcome change and redefined our priorities.

We have seen the extraordinary in the ordinary.

We have built new relationships with what’s important, we recognize the beauty in simplicity and the truth in the present moment.

As Plato said, “Beauty is the splendour of truth”.

So I put this question out into the universe and waited.

But not for long.

I asked my many readers, friends and family this question,


Here are the wonderful and insightful answers I received.

I believe in love.

I believe in true love. The kind of love that you dream about.

I believe in God, community & friendship.

I believe in the next generation.

I believe in youth – even more as one ages.

I believe in karma – put good out in the world, get good in return.

I believe in the power of positive thinking – attitude is everything.

I believe in myself.

I believe in the power of my thoughts.

I believe in the human spirit.

I believe in fairies, spirituality and energy work.

I believe in striving for equality for everyone.

I believe in equity – give each person the tools they need to achieve success.

I believe in entrepreneurship and the ability to carve your own destiny.

I believe in journeys filled with adventure and surprises.

I believe in the gift of forgiveness.

I believe in the power of kindness.

I believe in trusting the energy of the universe – it will provide happiness and fulfillment

I believe in Mother Nature – the force that never stops, doesn’t play favourites, is consistent, always un-predictable and keeps supporting LIFE.

I believe in Naturopathic Medicine.

I believe in laughter as a form of medicine.

I believe in science.

I believe in hard work.

I believe in always learning.

I believe in integrity. If you’re not going to use it, no point in having it.

I believe in less talk, more rock.

I believe in Canada, my country, my home.

I believe in humanity and the goodness of people.

I believe in quality over quantity.

I believe in the simple things – a smile, laughter.

I believe in giving people the benefit of doubt.

I believe in chocolate for breakfast.

I believe in apple crisp and ice cream.

I believe in wearing your Sunday best on Monday.

I believe exercise makes you feel better.

I believe art lifts us all up.

I believe in the strength of friends and family – they are everything.

I believe in the power and beauty of WORDS.

To everyone who took the time to send me their thoughts and words – I say thank you.

I believe in all of you. ❤️



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