Covid-19 Apart at the Heart

I wanted to share this poem I wrote while in social isolation.

If love could build a stairway

And Covid was not a pain,

I would walk right up to you

And give you a big hug again.

I wish I could be near you,

And see your face in real time.

To let you know how I’m feeling,

And share your thoughts with mine.

These long days and weeks,

Were never to be part of the plan

To be separated from those we love,

Friends, neighbours and fellow man.

I really want to be,

with groups of more than five.

Standing amongst so many people

And feeling very much alive.

But for now you are in my daily thoughts,

As I imagine you standing near me.

Praying we will be together soon.

Forever healthy, happy and free.

Always, Modmissy ❤️

2 thoughts on “Covid-19 Apart at the Heart

  1. That’s wonderful!! Very well versed. Hope it’s soon that we can be free of 2m/6ft. Cause, cuz You’re definitely getting a big hug!! Xxoo

    Sent from my iPad


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