I’m sure the monotony of ‘staying home’ has given you many hours, days, weeks to ponder.

Time to reflect.

I think when we all move forward to a life post-Covid, life will be altered.

Life will be realigned, readjusted and quite possibly refocused.

The glass is half full attitude, not half empty.

Living these last few months with a very limited horizon I’m excited to think about not just having my routine back but to have my wings back.

To live each day to the fullest.

To determine what’s really important in life and getting rid of the extraneous stuff.

Writing my own personal mission statement – Be happy. Take time to enjoy the moment.

And to quote RuPaul, “Use all the colours in the crayon box”.

Whether it’s written on the side of your coffee cup, the image on your screen saver, words emblazoned across your T-shirt or the tattoo on your arm, we all have words that inspire our day.

Here are a few Mission Statements of some well known companies.

Microsoft Mission Statement –

Empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Starbucks Mission Statement –

To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.


We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.


Live your best life, now and in the future.

Tesla –

To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

TED Talks –

Spread ideas.

Don’t follow your dreams, chase them.


Covid-19 Apart at the Heart


I wanted to share this poem I wrote while in social isolation.

If love could build a stairway

And Covid was not a pain,

I would walk right up to you

And give you a big hug again.

I wish I could be near you,

And see your face in real time.

To let you know how I’m feeling,

And share your thoughts with mine.

These long days and weeks,

Were never to be part of the plan

To be separated from those we love,

Friends, neighbours and fellow man.

I really want to be,

with groups of more than five.

Standing amongst so many people

And feeling very much alive.

But for now you are in my daily thoughts,

As I imagine you standing near me.

Praying we will be together soon.

Forever healthy, happy and free.

Always, Modmissy ❤️

OMG – WTF !!!

WTF !!



What.  The.  Fuc ### k. 

My blog. My podium…

I’m talking about the nasty virus that has descended upon us;  Covid-19

So right now the entire world is pretty much in shut down mode.

Some countries in complete lock down mode.

Other countries in state of emergencies.

Total quarantine.

Social isolation.

Social distancing.

Movement reduction.

Be smart and use your head’ mode.

I can understand all of this.

In fact I can appreciate these strict measures.

What I’m having a hard time accepting though are people’s understanding of these terms.

Apparently common sense is not so common.

Rather it would seem that common sense is what tells us the earth is flat!

People’s actions and words have me frightened.

Here is a sample of some recent statements I have heard.

WARNING:  Light travels faster than sound.  That is why people appear bright until they speak!

Someone told me, “Wait outside 3 hours before going inside someone’s home after travelling on public transit and everyone should be fine.”

A 90 year old person stated, “Their generation was too kind and could not say ‘No’, even to random strangers wanting to enter their home presently.” 

“Flying while remaining in your own country should not put you at risk”.

“We had guests for dinner while in self-isolation.”

Upon returning from an international flight, “After picking up groceries and running errands we will go in to self-isolation.”

All 7.7 billion of us are in this together.

It’s team work people.  Team work!

So while we are waiting for the virus curve to flatten out let’s think smart!

Let’s sto(m)p this virus!! 

(Image via Modmissy)

Stomp out the spread of Covid-19