High vs Low – full moon light

Have you noticed popping up everywhere recently in design magazines, design shows and stores is what I like to call the ‘full moon’ light fixture?  A white round sphere, made of a string-like material with a light bulb suspended in the centre.  The Random Light from Moooi www.moooi.com was designed in 2001 by Bertjan Pot. 

The Random Light diffuses a feeling of simplicity and lightness with a touch of magic in contemporary style.  “The production process is a special story by itself: a resin drained yarn is randomly coiled around an inflatable beach ball creating a translucent 3D fabric. The beach ball is then deflated and extracted from a round opening in the lamp. At the end the skin becomes the product.”  Kind of reminds me of when I was a kid, taking white glue and string and wrapping them around a balloon to make one of the planets for a science project!?  Available in 3 sizes, 50cm, 80cm, 105cm and 2 colours, white or black, with a price starting at $600.  The Random Light became a best seller right from the beginning but did not hit mainstream until recently.  Structube www.structube.com  has their interpretation, the Globe that is very similar to the Random Light but the Globe is the affordable version in the High vs. Low scenario. 

Available in 2 sizes, 40 cm and 60 cm and 2 colours, white or dark brown, the Globe’s price of $89 and $139 makes this light fixture an affordable alternative.  So either way, whichever version you can afford the ‘full moon’ light fixture will emit cosmic style to any room.

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